The Work has been a continual part of my life since 1995 when I first met Byron Katie.

I found myself falling in love with her presence and the inquiry she calls The Work. At the time of our meeting I had been on a path of spiritual and personal development for nearly 20 years. The path had been a deep and frantic journey to find myself, to come home, to become whole.

Not until I started inquiry did a radical and lasting shift begin. Prior to The Work I suffered from looking outside myself for love and approval, I was looking for my purpose, desperate for a relationship, and convinced that something was wrong with me- it’s hard for me to believe any of this now and when I do it’s not for long.

I found myself in a metaphysical fire and I went to as many Katie Work gatherings as I could attend. I joined a little group that hung out to 'undo' themselves, and within 6 months found myself in Barstow, California with Katie helping to set up her first Centre for The Work. I remained there for 2 years.

I became the primary facilitator when Katie was away or unavailable. She would just turn to me and say, “give them the work- it’s your work”. Every inquiry session either with myself or with another has been and continues to be my own undoing. It is a gift for which I am eternally grateful.

The Work has brought healing to my relationships with parents, siblings, children, ex-partners and most importantly with myself. What I experience now is an ease, a gentleness and a delight in life as it is, and an increasing awareness and delight in the me as I am in all my humanness.

Offering this tool for self-realization and internal peace is my total joy and my passion. I would be honoured to meet you as friend in this work and in life.