‘Embracing All of Me’

Adelaide - June 12th & 13th 2021

9.30am - 5pm each day

Are you able to be with yourself even when you are feeling flat, unhappy, angry? When you don’t know what to do, when you are not your best? What if you could begin to accept all your aspects not just the ones that feel good …..? In this weekend we will look at the beliefs that separate us from ourselves…. On the other side of inquiry we find a willingness to accept all the faces of ‘me’ … giving each an opportunity to be heard and acknowledged… only then can the grief turn to joy, the anger to understanding, the ‘I don’t know’ to a deeper knowing beyond mind. Welcome to the home coming…the coming home to you in all your colours, no more agenda, no more should or have to…rather just what is.

Venue - The Marjorie Black Room, 47 King William Rd, UNLEY

Note: Entrance is from Young St at rear of SACOSS. Plenty of street parking nearby.

Contact/Booking:  Helen  0498 117 761 -  helenhood0@gmail.com

or Ruta 0418 874 836  - rutapociusaust@gmail.com

Cost: $295          

$255 – Early Bird – Pay in full by 28th May

Repeat Participants: $200

Deposit to hold your space: $50

Morning and Afternoon Teas included.
BYO lunch.

Numbers limited.

This two day immersion offers us an opportunity to experience The Work for the first time, to deepen in this inquiry, to unravel long held beliefs we've held about ourselves, and to support ourselves and others on this journey. .The weekend is wonderful and a priceless investment in your peace and internal freedom.

Peace can only begin with you, the one we live with twenty-four/seven is the one we need to embrace, find compassion for and learn to accept as is.

You will:
    . Inquire 
into aspects of issues on relationships – work, family, the world and yourself 
    . Experience practical exercises that challenge habitual and destructive thought patterns 
    . Discover and transform unhelpful beliefs with ‘The Work’ a simple yet profound method of finding happiness

    . Discover the simplicity of dissolving your struggle with life and yourself
    . Experience the depth and wisdom of you - without your story